2012 Budget Report Summary


2012 Budget Report Summary


- Personal tax rates

The Government did not make any changes to the currently legislated tax rates for residents that are to apply from 1 July 2012.

There will be 2 rounds of tax cuts through increases in the tax-free threshold and corresponding adjustments to statutory tax rates and thresholds - the first,

from 1 July 2012, the tax-free threshold will be increased to $18,200, and the first 2 marginal tax rates will be increased from 15% to 19% and from 30% to 32.5% respectively; and the second,
from 1 July 2015, the tax-free threshold will be $19,400, and the second marginal tax rate will be increased from 32.5% to 33%.

- Standard work-related expenses deduction will not proceed

- 50% Discount for interest income will not proceed

- Schooolkids Bonus cash payment to replace Education Tax Offset

It will apply from 1 January 2012, and each year, families (receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A) will receive the Schoolkids Bonus worth:

$410 for each child in primary school
$820 for each child in high school

- Limit on ETP offset for "golden handshakes"

From 1 July 2012, only that part of an affected ETP, such as "golden handshake", that takes a person's total annual taxable income to no more than $180,000 will receive the ETP tax offset. Amounts above this whole of income cap will be taxed at marginal rates.

- Medical Expenses Tax Offset Tightened

For people with adjusted taxable income above $84,000 for singles and $168,000 for couples or families in 2012-13, the threshold above which a taxpayer may claim the medical expenses offset will be increased to $5,000. In addition, the rate of reimbursement will be reduced to 10% for eligible out-of-pocket expenses incurred.


- Company tax cut will not proceed

The Treasurer has announced that the proposed reduction in the company tax rate to 29% will not proceed.

- Businesses to be allowed to carry-back losses

From 1 July 2012, companies will be able to carry back up to $1m worth of losses to get a refund of tax paid in the previous year. From 1 July 2013, companies will be able to carry back up to $1m worth of losses against tax paid up to 2 years earlier.

- Bad debts - related party financing deduction denial

This will be achieved by denying a tax deduction for a bad debt written off where the debtor is related party not in the same tax consolidated group.

3. CGT

- Removal of CGT discount for non-residents

The Government will remove the 50% CGT discount for non-residents on capital gains accrued after 8 May 2012.

- Integrity changes to scrip for scrip roll-over

The Government will amend the integrity provisions of the scrip for scrip roll-over to remove significant tax minimisation opportunities.


- Superannuation contributions tax to double to 30% for incomes above $300,000

From 1 July 2012, individuals with income greater than $300,000 will have the tax concession on their conessional contributions reduced from 30% to 15% (excluding the Medicare levy). This means that the tax rate on concessional contributions will effectively double from 15% to 30% for very high income earners from 1 July 2012.

- Deferral of Higher concessional contributions cap for over 50s

The proposed higher concessional contributions cap for individuals aged 50 and over with superannuation balances below $500,000 will be deferred from 1 July 2012 to 1 July 2014. Accordingly, all taxpayers, regardless of age, will be subject to a concessional contributions cap of $25,000 for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 income years. In 2014-15, the general cap is expected to increase to $30,000 through indexation, and the higher cap would then commence at $55,000 for eligible taxpayers aged 50 and over.

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I would like to say that Loewy Consulting Partners provide prompt and helpful advice in processing my income tax and in dealing with the Australian taxation office and highly recommend their services to my colleagues. The staff are friendly and always available to assist with knowledgeable advice.

Dr Robert Mansberg
MB BS FRACP, Consultant Physician in Nuclear Medicine, Concord and Nepean Hospitals, Clinical Lecturer, Discipline of Imaging, University of Sydney